Harut Jouaid

Hello, I'm Harut. I'm a software engineer with 5 years of experience.
With a passion for bringing concepts to life, while also solving every problem that comes with it.
Building games & apps. My focus is C# .NET (Unity).


About me

After graduating with a degree in Game Programing, I dove head first into the field, learning as much as I possible while furthering my career. To supplement my career I enrolled into a part-time bachelors program at Hanze University of Applied Sciences to expand my knowledge in Software engineering.

My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is C#, .Net, C++, and Unity/Unreal. I am also familiar with JS/TS and Full stack practices. I am always looking to learn new technologies.




STARK Learning - Software Engineer

Groningen, NL

I worked as a software engineer with focus on unity development. I also upskilled with further training to transition into a senior role where I serve as the communication liaison between the Product Owner and the team.

2020 - 2024

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Computer Science

Groningen, NL

Part-time bachelors degree, to furthure my skills & career in the IT field

2021 - 2025

Noorderpoort, Game Programing & Design

Groningen, NL


2018 - 2021